New to the Shop: Aromatherapy Eye Pillows

I am in love with these babies. They are perfect - relaxing, simple, plus they smell good. Yumm. I've been making them for a while, but couldn't keep them in stock long enough to list them in my Etsy shop. This week, I am proud to say that I actually accomplished something off of my To-Do list: I made and listed a few varieties of flax seed and lavender eye pillows in the shop.

Calm was the most popular during the holidays, followed by Ohm and with Rest bringing up the rear, but when making them for the shop, I decided to forgo Rest and replace it with Dream instead. Much more luxurious.

These little eye - or dream pillows, as they are affectionately known around my studio - are filled with organic lavender and organic flax seed making them muchos eco-friendly and delicious smelling.

They are perfect during shavasana in yoga, as well as for curing headaches and body aches with a simple go-around in the microwave. Yea, you need one now? Yoga-cessories are essential in January. Check 'em out in the shop! 

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