A Merry and BRIGHT Weekend is Ahead!

This weekend is your last chance to shop locally with me for the holidays! I'll be at Fenton Street Market on Saturday at The Flea at Eastern Market on Sunday. It's going to be bright and unseasonably warm, which tears me emotionally.

I studied Environmental Science in college (which is basically a super downer of a major) so the un-naturalness of the weather does worry me, but also I won't freeze to death this weekend, which makes me very happy as a marketeer. I'll be looking on the bright side of global warming this weekend. ;)

Mother Nature is sending us out with a bang for the season so be sure not to miss out! I don't have anything scheduled for 2014 yet so stay tuned here for info, and you can always shop online in my Etsy shop for your Handmade Habitat fix. (I'll be doing a Boxing Day Sale!) 

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