Let me share with you my story:

I started my handmade business because I make too many things. I love the process - coming up with an idea, planning it out and turning a really small concept or idea in my head into a real, tangible item to love.

I've been making things since... I could use my hands? I remember making things with my mom and sister when I was really little, but I can't pinpoint a day where I learned to sew. I remember learning to knit and the first thing I knitted (a conveniently holey vest for my doll - there were two gaping holes in it where I had dropped so many stitches that it worked pretty well as arm holes for a vest) and I remember learning to crochet (my mom totally faked like she knew what she knew how to crochet and taught me before she ran out the house for work one day and came home to me having "crocheted" a scarf - said she was making up what she told me - turned out pretty well!) but I really can't remember the day that I started making things.

My mom comes from a family of do-ers, not thinkers. My grandparents emigrated from Pakistan in the 70s (had their 30-years-in-America ann'y over the summer!) and opened up a curtain-making business - Jamil Interiors - in Forestville, MD - just over the DC line in probably the greatest state in America.

So I grew up in Maryland - well, southern Maryland (which is practically The Deep South) and have been making things foreva. I was an indoor kid, as my boyfriend likes to say. But I was probs the coolest indoor kid ever.

And if we fast-forward to today - I am now 22, an underemployed college grad, happily domestically partnered, with a dog, about to quit my day job and dive head-first into the world of self employment. Because I love making things. And I love being home with my dog.

Sidenote - I started my business under the name "Cats & Crafts by Amina" but people thought I was selling cats and plus, I don't live at home with my cats anymore. Just have a little pup named Rosieeeee. So now I'm Handmade Habitat.

So it's nice to meet you. I make candles, scarves, bags, hand-knitted socks and catnip toys still (because it's fun). Check out my Etsy shop!

Love Amina

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